LDG AT-1000 Auto Antenna Tuner USED | 12 Months Warranty


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LDG AT-1000 Auto Antenna Tuner USED | 12 Months Warranty


USED Warranty LAMCO Approved Used Warranty ham radio shop amateur radio dealer

An Autotuner for use with your amplifier! No more knob spinning or inductor rolling. Tunes your antenna in 1 to 8 seconds for when you QSY either in the same band or to a different band! Easy installation and use make this the choice for any ham Radio Operator with an amplifier.

Operation is simple:

Place amplifier in standby

Transmit a steady carrier

Tune and verify SWR is less than 2:1

Return your amplifier to operate and have fun with QRO!

The AT-1000 covers 1.8 to 54 MHz continuous coverage (Please see specifications for specific power ratings). The microprocessor that controls all the tuning actions has safety software built in so that if you accidently try to tune or fine tune the AT-1000 with more than 125 watts (1:1 load), it will lock itself to protect the relays.

Just about any antenna can be tuned with the AT-1000. The antenna must be between 6 to 800 ohms (approximately 10:1 SWR) in-order to bring the SWR down to 1.5:1. If you use ladder line or long wires (random length or otherwise), add an appropriately rated Balun and you’re ready to go!

This Desktop Autotuner is a beautiful addition to your shack and a companion your amplifier shouldn’t be without.