MFJ-923 USED | 12 Months Warranty

MFJ-923 VHF Antenna Tuner ATU USED | 12 Months Warranty


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MFJ-923 USED | 12 Months Warranty

USED Warranty LAMCO Approved Used Warranty ham radio shop amateur radio dealer

The MFJ-923 VHF/UHF Dual Band Antenna Tuner covers the complete 144 MHz and 440 MHz frequency ranges. Built-in Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeter measures SWR, forward, and reflected power in two ranges: 300 or 30 Watts. The meter is used for both bands 144 and 440 MHz. Handles 200 Watts. Designed to match a wide range of impedances for both mobile and base operation. Single input and output SO-239 for radio and antenna connection. Perfect match for today’s dual-band radios with combined single output and dual-band antennas. Wing nut post for ground, black aluminium cabinet, compact at 9 1/2W x 4 1/2H x 2 5/8D”.