ZFGL HF Portable Loop Antenna USED | 12 Months Warranty

ZFGL HF Portable Loop Antenna USED | 12 Months Warranty


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ZFGL HF Portable Loop Antenna USED | 12 Months Warranty


USED Warranty LAMCO Approved Used Warranty ham radio shop amateur radio dealer

portable small loop antenna. This product can easily and quickly set up a short-wave transceiver antenna, allowing you to enjoy the joy of multi-band reception and communication indoors, windows, balconies and outdoors.

1. Frequency range: 7MHz-30Mhz 144MHz-148MHz 430-440MHz (UHF band can only be resonated when the antenna is onboard and can not be connected by feeder) Aviation band, FM FM broadcast can also provide excellent reception capabilities.

2. Withstand power: 20W