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Yaesu Ft-2900 is quiet and powerful. This ruggedly-built 2 meter transceivers boasts 75 watts of output. Yet no fan is required thanks to Yaesu’s die cast chassis/heat-sink design. The ergonomics are unsurpassed for safe mobile operation. Four power levels are available: 75, 30, 10 and 5 watts. And weather channels are built in with Severe Weather Alert capability. The FT-2900 is MIL-STD 810 tough. You get extended receive from 136-174 MHz. The backlit display has four dimmer levels. The FT-2900R is similar to the FT-2800M, but adds a Memory Only mode and provides 10 watts more.
The supplied MH-48A6J hand mic is backlit. Other included items: MMB83 mobile mounting bracket, DC power cord with fuse, standing front feet and operating manual. This radio requires 13.8 VDC at 15 amps.