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AOR AR-8600MkII Communications Receiver, This is the latest mobile/base station to emerge from the AOR factory and has been enhanced in several areas. The upper frequency range has been extended to 3000MHz (3GHz), lower band sensitivity has been increased (now covering down to 100kHz). Extra enhancements to SW performance by the addition of further bandpass filters and a selection of alternative IF filters. Mini-Circuits RMS1 / RMS2 mixers have been employed with active SPM antenna switching devices (not diode-switching). The AR-8600Mk2 will accept slot cards, with all five cards fitted at once if required. For Air band enthusiasts the receiver includes 8.33kHz channel steps correctly supported i.e eight-and-one- third, 33, 66, 00. An RS232 port is provided for PC access and a wideband 10.7MHz output LAMCO UK is provided for use with the SDU5500 spectrum display unit. The receiver will be shipped with a telescopic whip antenna, MW bar aerial, DC lead and operating manual. All optional products for the AR-8600 are compatible with the Mk-2 version. * Frequency range: 100kHz – 3000MHz * 100 – 530kHz (not guaranteed) * All mode: WFM, NFM, SFM, WAM, AM, NAM, USB, LSB, CW * Two VFOs A / B * Memories 1,000 (20 banks x 50 channels) * Search banks: 40 * Pass frequency: 2,000 (40 banks x 50) * Scan/Search rate: Approx. 37ch/sec max. * Tuning steps in multiples of 50Hz * Airband 8.33kHz channel spacing * 10.7MHz IF output port for SDU5500 * RS232 PC interface fitted as standard * BNC antenna socket * Five optional slot card sockets * Power :10.8-16 DC