Icom ID-5100 VHF/UHF/DSTAR USED Transceiver | 12 Months Warranty



12 months warranty

MANUAL HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Supplier Vine Antennas Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty

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Icom ID-5100 VHF/UHF/DSTAR USED Transceiver | 12 Months Warranty


USED Warranty LAMCO Approved Used Warranty ham radio shop amateur radio dealer

Icom ID5100 Dual Band D Star Mobile Transceiver, Second Hand Icom ID5100 Dual Band D Star Mobile Transceiver, Icom ID5100e VHF/UHF D-Star Mobile Transceiver, Icom are pleased to announce details of the new ID-5100 dual band D-STAR mobile. As with Icom’s latest range of products, this new model has a new generation design and range of features including large, responsive touch screen LCD, Bluetooth connectivity and second station control through an Android device*. * Optional Bluetooth unit UT-133 is required. Android software is available free.


12 months warranty

MANUAL HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Supplier Vine Antennas Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty


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