Acom 1000 | 1KW Valve HF Linear Amplifier

Acom 1000 supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH

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Acom 1000 1KW Valve HF Linear Amplifier

Acom 1000 1KW Valve HF Linear Amplifier

Acom 1000 HF Valve Linear Amplifier

Frequency Coverage

  • All amateur bands in the 1.8-54 MHz frequency range;
  • Extensions and/or changes on request;

Power Output

  • 1000 W PEP or continuous carrier, no mode limit;

Intermodulation Distortion

  • Better than 35 dB below rated output;

Hum and noise

  • Better than 40 dB below rated output;

Harmonic Output Suppression

  • 1.8-29.7 MHz – better than 50 dB below rated output;
  • 50-54 MHz – better than 66 dB below rated output;

Input and Output Impedances

  • Nominal value: 50 Ohm unbalanced, UHF (SO-239A) type connectors;
  • Input circuit: broadband, SWR less than 1.3:1, 1.8-54 MHz continuously (no tunings, no switching);
  • Bypass path SWR less than 1.1:1, 1.8-54 MHz continuously;
  • Output (antenna) impedance matching capability: SWR up to 3:1 or higher;

RF Gain

  • 12.5 dB typically, frequency response less than 1 dB (50-60 W drive power for rated output);

Mains Power Supply Voltage

  • 85-132 VAC / 170-264 VAC (100, 110, 120, 200, 210, 220, 230 & 240 V nominal taps, +10% -15% tolerance), 50-60 Hz, Single phase;

Mains Power Consumption

  • 2200 VA at rated output;

Safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility

  • Complies with CE safety and electromagnetic compatibility requirements, as well  as with the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations;

Size & Weight (operating, excluding connected cables)

  • WxDxH: 422x355x195 mm, 22 kg (16.7×14.0x7.7 inches, 48.5 lbs.);

Shipping Size & Weight

  • WxDxH: Approx. 590x490x380 mm, 25.5 kg (23.3×19.3×15.0 inches, 56.3 lbs.);
  • Please, contact us for shipment details;

Operating environments

  • Temperature range: 0 to +50 degrees Celsius (32 degrees F to 122 degrees F);
  • Relative air humidity: up to 95% @ +35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees F);
  • Height above sea level: up to 3050 m (10000 ft) without output deterioration.

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Acom 1000 supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH


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