Icom SP-38 Extension Speaker USED | 12 Months Warranty

Icom SP-38 Extension Speaker USED | 12 Months Warranty

Icom SP-38 Extension Speaker USED | 12 Months Warranty


USED Warranty LAMCO Approved Used Warranty ham radio shop amateur radio dealer

LDG AT-100Pro Autotuner, The LDG AT-100Pro is the next step in the evolution of the automatic tuner. This desktop tuner covers all frequencies from 1.8 – 54 MHz, and will automatically match your antenna in no time.

It features a two-position antenna switch, allowing you to switch instantly between two antennas. The AT-100Pro requires just 1 watt to operate but will handle up to 125 watts, making it suitable for everything from QRP up to a typical 100-watt transceiver. The AT-100Pro includes over 2,000 memories for each antenna, automatically storing tuning configurations for each frequency and band as you use them. Frequency-sensing circuitry lets the AT-100Pro “know” your operating band and frequency. Whenever you transmit on or near a frequency you’ve used before, the AT-100Pro can retune from memory almost instantly.

Rugged and easy-to-read LED bar graphs show power and SWR, and a Function key on the front panel allows you to access data like mode and status. The AT-100Pro uses latching relays which retain the tuned configuration indefinitely even when powered down; the current draw when not tuning is effectively zero.

The AT-100Pro uses LDG’s state-of-the-art processor-controlled Switched-L tuning network. It will match dipoles, verticals, inverted Vs or virtually any coax-fed antenna. With an optional LDG balun, you can also use longwires or antennas fed with ladder-line.

Control from the front panel is simple; just press Tune while transmitting a carrier, and the AT-100Pro will begin an automatic tuning cycle. For more integrated operation, optional interfaces are available for most Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu and Alinco transceivers. With the interface, a single button press transmits a carrier, executes a tuning cycle and returns the radio to its original power and mode


Sigma SE-HF 360 XP | 1KW Fibreglass HF Base Antenna

Sigma HF 360 XP Antenna HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Supplier Vine Antennas Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty, Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales. HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK. Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, Hytera. HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Shop, Icom, Hytera, Kenwood, Yaesu, Antennas, Antenna Tuners, Power Supplies, Coax, CB Radio, Scanners, Receivers, Short Wave, Barnsley, UK, Call 01226 361700, Yorkshire The HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Suppliers United Kingdom Two Way Radio Hire Two Way Radio Sales Repair Service Scanners CB Radio Receivers Short Wave Radio

Sigma SE-HF 360 XP | 1KW Fibreglass Antenna

Sigma HF-360-XP 1 HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Supplier Vine Antennas Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty, Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales. HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK. Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, Hytera. HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Shop, Icom, Hytera, Kenwood, Yaesu, Antennas, Antenna Tuners, Power Supplies, Coax, CB Radio, Scanners, Receivers, Short Wave, Barnsley, UK, Call 01226 361700, Yorkshire The HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Suppliers United Kingdom Two Way Radio Hire Two Way Radio Sales Repair Service Scanners CB Radio Receivers Short Wave Radio

Sigma SE-HF 360 XP | 1KW Fibreglass Antenna

Sigma Euro-Comm SE-HF 360 XP Fibre Glass High Power 1kW Vertical antenna

The Sigma Euro-Comm Ltd HF360 is an end-fed vertical antenna, capable of allowing the user to work 80 meters through to 10 meters using an ATU. The antenna can be pole mounted at ground level or elevated depending on the user’s personal requirements. The antenna is rated at 1KW* pep. The antenna comes with fixings and an installation guide.

How it works: The antenna is fed using 50 Ohm coax via a SO-239 socket at the base of the unit a 4:1 UNUN transformer is located in an IP65 weather-sealed box at the bottom of the bracket section of the fibre glass elements. The antenna comes in four parts, three fibreglass poles and one stainless steel tapered whip. The transformer reduces the impedance at the feed point to a more acceptable level making the antenna much more efficient and allowing proper and easy tuning via an external ATU and automatic ATU’s found in most modern radios.

The antenna can be grounded if the user experiences excessive local static noise, but as the UNUN is DC grounded: grounding will not affect the tuning ratios.

Band With ATU

3.5 MHz 80m 1.1

5 MHz 60m 1.1   Specifications

7 MHz 40m 1.1   Type End fed vertical

10 MHz 30m 1.2  Frequency TX / 3.5 – 30 MHz

14 MHz 20m 1.1  RX / 1.8 – 55 MHz

18 MHz 17m 1.1  Power handling 1 kW PEP or CW

21 MHz 15m 1.1  & 200 watts max for data modes

24 MHz 12m 1.1  Impedance 50 Ohms

28 MHz 10m 1.1  Connector SO-239

29 MHz 10m 1.1  Length 5.5 meters 18 feet

Please use a good quality 50 Ohm coax, rg-213 or Mini 8 are probably the best choice. 

*1kW power rating is for intermittent amateur radio use (CW or PEP) for data modes (FT-x, RTTY, etc) or constant carrier data modes a lower maximum of 200 Watts is recommended.

*If you are using a high-power amplifier it is essential that an external ATU is used between the antenna and the amplifier, otherwise damage may occur.

Measurements were made using a Yaesu FTdx1200 and internal ATU and a Yaesu FT450D and external LDG-1200 ATU.

Vine Antennas AS-OCF-404-HP | 40-4m High Power Dipole

AS-OCF-404-HP LAMCO Barnsley HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Supplier Vine Antennas Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty, Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales. HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK. Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, Hytera. HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Shop, Icom, Hytera, Kenwood, Yaesu, Antennas, Antenna Tuners, Power Supplies, Coax, CB Radio, Scanners, Receivers, Short Wave, Barnsley, UK, Call 01226 361700, Yorkshire The HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Suppliers United Kingdom Two Way Radio Hire Two Way Radio Sales Repair Service Scanners CB Radio Receivers Short Wave Radio

Vine Antennas AS-OCF-404-HP | High Power Antenna


AS-OCF-404-HP LAMCO Barnsley HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Supplier Vine Antennas Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty, Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales. HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK. Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, Hytera. HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Shop, Icom, Hytera, Kenwood, Yaesu, Antennas, Antenna Tuners, Power Supplies, Coax, CB Radio, Scanners, Receivers, Short Wave, Barnsley, UK, Call 01226 361700, Yorkshire The HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Suppliers United Kingdom Two Way Radio Hire Two Way Radio Sales Repair Service Scanners CB Radio Receivers Short Wave Radio


Bands: 40M, 20M, 15M, 10, 6M, 4M (17M, 12M With External ATU)

Power: 1Kw pep Max

Overall Length: 69 Feet (21.03 Meters)



An Off-Centre Fed Dipole for
40M, 20M, 15M, 10M, 6M & 4M
30M, 17M (with ATU)

What’s an Off-Centre Fed Dipole?

A traditional Dipole is a half-wavelength radiator, fed in the Centre with two equal length legs, the Off-Centre-Fed Dipole is a Dipole whose feedpoint is at a point removed from the centre of the antenna.

A traditional dipole is fed in the centre with 50-ohm coax, or more correctly through a 1:1 balun, whereas the off-centre fed dipole is fed through a 4:1 balun.

Your AS-OCF-404 has a specially designed balun which offers both a 75-ohm and 200-ohm output allowing two pairs of elements to be connected. One set of elements is a traditional dipole for 4M (70MHz) and the other an OCF Dipole for HF & 6M.



Why Off-Centre Feed a Dipole?

By moving the feedpoint of the dipole from the centre to off-centre, we create a multi-band antenna with multiple resonant points. We also change the feedpoint impedance and therefore need a carefully designed balun to provide a match to 50 ohms.

A centre fed dipole is only resonant at one single frequency, the off-centre fed dipole is resonant on multiple frequencies.

Your AS-HF-OCF-404 has been tested for resonance and is resonant on the 40M, 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, 10M, 6M & 4M amateur bands and needs no external ATU; you will need to
peak the antenna to resonance with your internal rig ATU.

The antenna also offers a reasonable match on the 30M amateur band but must be used with an external ATU.

Where is it Resonant?

By careful design of the balun and feedpoint of the antenna, your AS-HF-OCF-404 has the following resonant points from 0 – 100MHz:

Antenna Construction

Roll out the elements and hang the shorter bare copper elements for 4M below the HF elements using the spacers provided.

Figure 1 – Antenna Wire Spacer Front

Ensure the wires are passed through the spacer as shown in ‘Figure 1 – Antenna Wire Spacer Front’ and ‘Figure 2 – Antenna Wire Spacer Above’.

Figure 2 – Antenna Wire Spacer Above


Bands:​​​40M, 20M, 15M, 10M, 6M, 4M
​​​plus 30M, 17M, 12M (with ATU)

Power:​​​1Kw pep Max

Overall Length:​​69 feet (21.03 meters)


With all HF multiband antenna installations we recommend

the use of an antenna tuner.

An ideal antenna for the following transceivers.

Yaesu FT-DX10 Yaesu FT-847 Icom IC-7300 Icom IC-7100 Kenwood TS-890


Inrico T320 | 4G/Wifi Network Radio

T320 Inrico supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH

Inrico T320 4G/Wifi Network Handheld Radio.

Inrico T320 4G/Wifi Network Handheld Radio.

(POC) + Charger

LAMCO Barnsley

Data Sim Card Required.

Perfect for worldwide communications.

Zello, Teamspeak 3.

Ham Radio Shop Amateur Radio Marine Aviation Two Way Hire Sales CB Radios Scanners Receivers Antenna Tuners Power Suplies D-STAR Yaesu Icom Kenwood Fusion Beam Rotators Amplifiers Used HAM Radio Gear Diamond LDG Comet Uniden Sirio Maldol bhi CRT President Solarcon Spiderbeam Komunica D-Original SPE Prosistel Acom MFJ cross Country Wireless Telecom Two Way Radio Hire Sales Rental DMR Digital

This radio is cellular so works like a walkie talkie but uses the cellular network as a repeater!
This means hand held to hand held or handheld to mobile communications around the world.
Please note this radio does not transmit on the amateur bands
Running on Android you can make this as simple or as complex as you like.

Inrico T320 4G/Wifi Network Handheld Radio (POC) LAMCO Barnsley

Inrico T320 4G/Wifi Network Handheld Radio
Inrico T320 4G/Wifi Network Handheld Radio

This radio is cellular so works like a walkie talkie but uses the cellular network as a repeater! This means hand held to hand held or handheld to mobile comms around the world. Companies like ID offer a suitable sim with EU roaming from £3.99 a month or if you are in the UK Freedompop is available otherwise you can use it on Wifi! Using Apps like Zello & Teamspeak you can talk privately for just the cost of your sim! Please note this radio does not transmit on the amateur bands For the Radio amateur you can link to many networks using the International Radio Network For the non amateur think of it as well behaved CB with worldwide coverage or Private 1 to 1 calls! For the private use all the advantages of cell phone coverage while looking professional Please note this version uses unlocked Android and allows you to fully utilise the PTT functions Features Intelligent Global Intercom More than 80 Hours standby time Dual chamber speaker to give Enhanced audio GPS built in Micro 5 pin data line Supports MP3 & MP4 2.4 inch High Quality Screen Extended memory up to 32GB Waterproof IP54

Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer.
Alt Text LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty.
Near The Alhambra Shopping Centre.
Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK.
Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales.
We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu.
hamradio-shop is my favourite HAM store!
HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, Amateur Radio Dealers UK.
Amateur radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK .
We are a family business supplying world leading amateur radio equipment.
We are small enough to care and large enough to cope!

Inrico T320


Inrico T-320,

T 320

Prosistel PST-248FPC | 80/40/20 1.5Kw Dipole

Prosistel PST-248FPC 80/40/20 1.5Kw Di-Pole

LAMCO Barnsley

Ham Radio Shop Amateur Radio Marine Aviation Two Way Hire Sales CB Radios Scanners Receivers Antenna Tuners Power Suplies D-STAR Yaesu Icom Kenwood Fusion Beam Rotators Amplifiers Used HAM Radio Gear Diamond LDG Comet Uniden Sirio Maldol bhi CRT President Solarcon Spiderbeam Komunica D-Original SPE Prosistel Acom MFJ cross Country Wireless Telecom Two Way Radio Hire Sales Rental DMR Digital

Dipoles parallel  full size for 20-40m band  and loaded for 80m band

Dipole center with balun 5KW pep included.


Length 11.5 + 11,5m

MFJ 994B | Automatic Antenna Tuner

MFJ-994B supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH






MFJ 994B

MFJ 994B

MFJ 994B


MFJ-994B, 600 Watt Intelli-TunerTM! automatic antenna tuner with new 10,000 VirtualAntennaTM Memories. Like MFJ-993B but handles 600 Watts SSB/CW, matches 12-800 Ohms. Does not have digital SWR/Wattmeter/LCD display, audio SWR meter/audio feedback, antenna switch or 4:1 current balun. Tuning must be done at low transceiver power with amplifier bypassed.

Ham Radio Shop Amateur Radio Marine Aviation Two Way Hire Sales CB Radios Scanners Receivers Antenna Tuners Power Suplies D-STAR Yaesu Icom Kenwood Fusion Beam Rotators Amplifiers Used HAM Radio Gear Diamond LDG Comet Uniden Sirio Maldol bhi CRT President Solarcon Spiderbeam Komunica D-Original SPE Prosistel Acom MFJ cross Country Wireless Telecom Two Way Radio Hire Sales Rental DMR Digital

Yaesu SHC 24 | Soft Carry Case (FT-2DR)

SHC-24 Yaesu supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH

Yaesu SHC 24 Soft Carry Case For The FT 2DR Transceiver.

Yaesu SHC 24 Soft Carry Case For The FT 2DR Transceiver.

Yaesu SHC 24 Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer. Alt Text LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty. Near The Alhambra Shopping Centre. Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK. Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales. We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu. hamradio-shop is my favourite HAM store! HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, Amateur Radio Dealers UK. Amateur radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK . We are a family business supplying world leading amateur radio equipment. We are small enough to care and large enough to cope!

Ham Radio Shop Amateur Radio Marine Aviation Two Way Hire Sales CB Radios Scanners Receivers Antenna Tuners Power Suplies D-STAR Yaesu Icom Kenwood Fusion Beam Rotators Amplifiers Used HAM Radio Gear Diamond LDG Comet Uniden Sirio Maldol bhi CRT President Solarcon Spiderbeam Komunica D-Original SPE Prosistel Acom MFJ cross Country Wireless Telecom Two Way Radio Hire Sales Rental DMR Digital

Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer.
Alt Text LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty.
Near The Alhambra Shopping Centre.
Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK.
Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales.
We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu.
hamradio-shop is my favourite HAM store!
HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, Amateur Radio Dealers UK.
Amateur radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK .
We are a family business supplying world leading amateur radio equipment.
We are small enough to care and large enough to cope!

Yaesu SHC-24,


Yaesu SHC 24,

SHC 24,

Yaesu SHC24,


Carry Case,

Yaesu MLS 200 | Extension Speaker

MLS200 Yaesu supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH

Yaesu MLS 200 M10 High Power Waterproof Speaker.

Yaesu MLS 200 M10 High Power Waterproof Speaker.

Ham Radio Shop Amateur Radio Marine Aviation Two Way Hire Sales CB Radios Scanners Receivers Antenna Tuners Power Suplies D-STAR Yaesu Icom Kenwood Fusion Beam Rotators Amplifiers Used HAM Radio Gear Diamond LDG Comet Uniden Sirio Maldol bhi CRT President Solarcon Spiderbeam Komunica D-Original SPE Prosistel Acom MFJ cross Country Wireless Telecom Two Way Radio Hire Sales Rental DMR Digital

Yaesu MLS 200 Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer. Alt Text LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty. Near The Alhambra Shopping Centre. Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK. Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales. We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu. hamradio-shop is my favourite HAM store! HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, Amateur Radio Dealers UK. Amateur radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK . We are a family business supplying world leading amateur radio equipment. We are small enough to care and large enough to cope!

2 Yrs Warranty.

Rugged, Spherically Shaped.
The MLS-200-M10 High-Power External Loudspeaker is a Waterproof (IP55) high performance communications speaker. It matches the impedance and output requirements of most Yaesu Transceivers, and is recommended for the following Transceivers:

The MLS-200-M10 High-Power External Loudspeaker is a Waterproof (IP55) high performance communications speaker. It matches the impedance and output requirements of most Yaesu Transceivers, and is recommended for the following Transceivers:FT-897, FT-991 but will work with other transceivers and receivers.
IP55 Waterproofing Rating.
Maximum Power Input 12W
Impedance 4Ω
Speaker Plug 3.5mm Standard, 3-contact miniature phone plug
Speaker Cable Length 3m

Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer.
Alt Text LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty.
Near The Alhambra Shopping Centre.
Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK.
Amateur Radio Sales. HAM Radio Sales.
We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu.
hamradio-shop is my favourite HAM store!
HAM Radio Shop, HAM Radio Shops, Amateur Radio Dealers, Amateur Radio Dealers UK.
Amateur radio Dealers, HAM radio dealers UK .
We are a family business supplying world leading amateur radio equipment.
We are small enough to care and large enough to cope!

Yaesu MLS 200,
Yaesu MLS-200,
Yaesu MLS200,

Yaesu SP-20 | Extension Speaker

SP-20 Yaesu supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH

Yaesu SP-20 Extension Speaker LAMCO Barnsley

Yaesu SP-20 Extension Speaker

Ham Radio Shop Amateur Radio Marine Aviation Two Way Hire Sales CB Radios Scanners Receivers Antenna Tuners Power Suplies D-STAR Yaesu Icom Kenwood Fusion Beam Rotators Amplifiers Used HAM Radio Gear Diamond LDG Comet Uniden Sirio Maldol bhi CRT President Solarcon Spiderbeam Komunica D-Original SPE Prosistel Acom MFJ cross Country Wireless Telecom Two Way Radio Hire Sales Rental DMR Digital



Yaesu SP-20 External Speaker for FTDX3000D or Yaesu FTDX1200. These speakers reproduce the high quality output sound these receivers generate and thereby providing clear and crisp audio for reliable communications on all HF and V/UHF bands.

Yaesu SP-20, SP 20, FT-991, FT 991 a


yaesu Sp-20-lamco-barnsley


Model Maximum
Input Power
(W x H x D)
SP-20 7W 130 x 115 x 312mm w/o kob 1.7kg