ACOM 1010 | HF Linear Amplifier

Acom 1010 supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH

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Acom 1010 HF Linear Amplifier

Acom 1010 HF Linear Amplifier

Acom 1010

Broadband input matching circuitry offers excellent loading characteristics for the driving transceiver, from 1.8MHz to 30MHz.

Single tube operation.

Acom 1010

A single Svetlana 4CX800A (GU74B) high-performance ceramic-metal tetrode with plate dissipation of 800W (forced air cooling, grid-driven) is used for maximum efficiency.

Permanent monitoring and protection of the plate and grids currents.

Acom 1010

The Bias Optimizer minimizes heat dissipated by the tube, assuring tube longevity.

High voltage protection.

Acom 1010

Design of the high-voltage power supply eliminates the danger of turn-on transients affecting sensitive devices connected to the same line (mains) circuit. Moreover, the amplifier can be configured to accommodate any of 8 nominal line voltages between 100 and 240 V, 50 or 60 Hz.

Acom 1010

Frequency Coverage: All amateur bands in the 1.8-29.7MHz frequency range; extensions and/or changes on request.
Power Output: 700 W PEP or 500 W continuous carrier.
Intermodulation Distortion: Better than 35 dB below rated output.
Hum and noise: Better than 40 dB below rated output.
Harmonic Output Suppression: Better than 50 dB below rated output.
Input and Output Impedances:
– nominal value: 50 Ohm unbalanced, UHF (SO239) type connectors;
– input circuit: broadband, VSWR less than 1.3:1, 1.8-30MHz continuously (no tunings, no switching);
– Bypass path VSWR less than 1.1:1, 1.8-30MHz continuously, 200 W maximum;
-Output (antenna) impedance matching capability: VSWR up to 3:1 or higher.
RF Gain: 11dB typically, frequency response less than 1dB (50 to 70 W drive power for rated output). Primary Power: 85-132 V/170-264 V ac (100, 110, 120, 200, 210, 220, 230 & 240 V nominal taps), +10% -15% tol.), 50-60 Hz, single phase, 1200 VA.
Complies with CE safety and electromagnetic compatibility requirements as well as FCC-regulations (10 & 12 m band locks provided).
Size & Weight (operating): WxDxH: 406x315x150mm, 16kg (16×12.4×5.9 inches, 35.3Lbs).
Operating environments:
– temperature range: 0…+50 degs.Celsius;
– humidity: up to 95% @ +35 degs.Celsius.
– height: up to 3000m above sea level without output deterioration

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Acom 1010,

Acom Amplifier,



Acom 1010 supplied by LAMCO Barnsley my favourite HAM store in the world 5 Doncaster Road Barnsley S70 1TH


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