Diamond X-50N | VHF UHF Base Antenna | LAMCO Barnsley

Diamond X-50N LAMCO Barnsley Vine Antennas Vinetech RST-X50 145/430Mhz. Gain 4.5/7.2dbi

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Diamond X-50N VHF UHF Base Antenna LAMCO Barnsley

Diamond X-50N VHF UHF Base Antenna LAMCO Barnsley

Diamond X 50N

* Frequency bands 2m/70cm

* Gain 4.5/7.2dB

* Power 200W

* Type 3×1/4, 3×5/8

* Length 1.7m

* Radial length 19cm

* Mast size 30-62mm

* Wind velocity 60m/sec

* Weight 0.9kg

This model is made of fibre glass construction, pre-tuned and fully weatherproofed. Mast mounting brackets are included.


Diamond X-50N,

Diamond X 50N,


X 50N,

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Diamond X-50N LAMCO Barnsley Vine Antennas Vinetech RST-X50 145/430Mhz. Gain 4.5/7.2dbi