Prosistel PST61Pro | Antenna Rotator Combo

Prosistel PST71Pro Combo Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty. Near Jnc 36 M1 Motorway. Barnsley

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Prosistel PST61Pro Combo Antenna Rotator.

Prosistel PST61Pro Combo Antenna Rotator.

Prosistel PST61Pro Combo Antenna Rotator.

Prosistel PST61D Antenna Rotator.

Prosistel PST61Pro Combo.

Antenna Rotator

Antenna Rotators

Elevation Azimuth

We are pleased to announce that Prosistel products have arrived at LAM Communications.
The rotators units have a 2 yr warranty.
The rotators are suitable for both Ham and commercial purposes with a generous wind load and weight capabability(please advise when ordering).
The rotator control units can also be used in conjuction with a personal computer.
The “Combo” Units are supplied with both an azimuth and elavation rotator plus a control box which has both azimuth and elevation displays.
These products are the real deal,reliable and serviceable within the UK.
Perfect for satellite tracking,large HF antenna systems, if you have the real estate, to small VHF arrays in the back yard.

Extra extra heavy duty antenna rotator handles up 4.1 m2 (39 sq. ft.) perfect for low bands full size yagi antenna, multistack arrays, etc.

Worm wheel technology is irreversible under wind load.

Large 28 mm (1 1/8″) output shaft diameter, no sweep no backslash.

So far from the nearest competitors.

Prosistel PST61Pro Combo.


pst61d data

Prosistel PST61Pro Combo.

– High strength iron cast gear box.

– Rugged and proven design.

– Nickel chromium-molybdenum steel and bronze alloy gears.

-running on balls bearings.

– No maintenance, life lubricated.

– Strength steel galvanized mast clamp.

– Temperature range -40° a + 90°

– Stainless steel bolts.

Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty.
Near Jnc 36 M1 Motorway.
Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK.
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We are Premier Dealers For Icom, Kenwood & Yaesu.
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We are a family business supplying world leading amateur radio equipment.
Prosistel PST71Pro Combo Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer LAMCO New/Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty. Near Jnc 36 M1 Motorway. Barnsley


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