Sigma Euro-Comm SE HF X-80 | 80-6 Radial Free Antenna

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Sigma Euro-Comm SE HF X-80 | 80-6 Radial Free Antenna

Sigma Euro-Comm SE HF X-80 | 80-6 Radial Free Antenna


The SE HF X-80 is an end-fed aluminium vertical antenna capable of allowing the user to work 80 metres through 6-meter bands using an ATU. It also does not require any counterpoise and can be fed using coax cable. The antenna can be pole-mounted at ground level or elevated depending on the user’s personal requirements. It is rated at 400 watts PEP. The antenna comes complete with all fixings and fixtures and a full installation guide.

The power rating is for intermittent amateur (400W CW or 400W SSB) use only, not for AM broadcast or constant carrier data modes. For AM broadcast, a much higher power BALUN is required.

How it works: The antenna is fed using a 50-ohm coax via a SO-239 socket at the base of the unit. A 6:1 UNUN transformer is located in an IP65 weather-sealed box at the bottom of the 6-meter telescopic aluminium element. The transformer reduces the impedance at the feed point to a more acceptable level, making the antenna much more efficient and allowing proper and easy tuning via an external ATU and automatic ATUs found in most modern radios.

The antenna can be grounded if the user experiences excessive local static noise, but as the UNUN is DC grounded: grounding will not affect the tuning ratios.


The Underlined bands in the chart below will require a manual ATU, the others an internal ATU.

Frequency                 VSWR

3.5 MHz 80 m     with Manual ATU 1.1

7 MHz 40 m       with ATU 1.1

10 MHz 30 m       with ATU 1.1

14 MHz 20 m     with ATU 1.1

18 MHz 17 m     with Manual ATU 1.1

21 MHz 15 m     with ATU 1.1

24 MHz 12 m     Manual ATU 1.1

28 MHz 10 m     with ATU 1.1

50 MHz  6 m      with Manual ATU 1.1

Please use a good quality 50 Ohm coax, RG-213 or Mini 8 are probably the best choice.


Type: End-fed vertical
Frequency:  TX / 3.5 – 50 MHz
RX / 1.8 – 55 MHz

Power handling: 400 watts pep
Impedance: 50 Ohms
Connector: SO-239
Length: 6 meters

sigma HF-X-80 HAM Radio Shop Amateur Radio Dealer Supplier Vine Antennas Amateur Radio Shops HAM Radio Dealer Supplier Retailer Second Hand Twelve Months Warranty


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